Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Kota Kinabalu

Well here it is the first post of the trip.

Katie and I had a long journey from Adelaide via Melbourne and Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu. It took about 34 hours from door to dorm. Well we actually got a room to ourselves. the flying time was only about 11 hours in total.

I thought I would publish what I write in my journal here (provided I don't write anything too dodgy in my journal). I forgot to bring it to copy what I wrote last night but I think I remember.

even though it has been 2 1/2 years since we were away it almost feels like we never left the area. We have sort of just slotted back into it, It is kind of surreal.

some things that I have noticed so far that are different from other places in asia are:
There are a lot of cars and not so many moto's.
Everyone wears helmets on there moto's.
Everyone has tricked up there vehicle with some sort of plastic gizmo or another.
People notice us but don't seem to care.

Last night we met a guy called simon from cambridge . He is 38 and has been traveling on and off for about 13 years he said. He was in Adelaide a couple of weeks ago for a wedding and he has friends there so has visited a few times before. Once again what a small world. We had a good chat about Adelaide and about places around here and othere asian destinations.

Before we met Simon we went for a short walk along the water front where there are some markets. We found an upmarket (excuse the pun) seafood resturant with an amazing array of like seafood in tanks, ranging from crabs and small crays to snapper and simmilar bright medium sized fish to large fish (80cm) and the biggest most colourful cray I have ever seen, with its feelers it would have been well over a meter the body alone would have been at least 50cm. The cray was 160 RM (au$70) per kilo so it would have dented our budget if we had sat down to a meal. Anyway thats the highlight so far.


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Rate That Burger

Rate That burger has moved.

See the link on the right hand side of the screen. : )

Friday, November 04, 2005

Stupid blog

I wrote this reall nice post just then about why I was doing this whole blog thing and when I went to spell check it it got eaten by the big fat blog eating monster. If I decide I am not annoyed about this blog again I might tell you all whats going on.

Scamp & The BBQ

Continuing with my learning how to blog I thought I might write about something. Yes something. The other day Kirsten had a BBQ. And because it was my birthday a week earlyer she gave me a new memory card for my camera. in an effort to fill the card I took a few pictures one of them was of Scamp the Rabbit.

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See what a nice rabbit.
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