Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Myanmar Stories part 5 (Road works)


How do you make a new road or widen an old one?

A: Get trucks graders compactors and make a smooth compact base, spray with tar from a special truck and top with asphalt with another special truck. Roll with a steam roller and you’re done.

B: Get a group of Women, piles of rocks ranging from big to gravel. Place rocks by hand (no gloves). Makes sure they are level by moving the rocks around one by one. Spread out smaller rocks by hand (still no gloves). Make sure they are level. Heat a drum of tar over a wood fire and pour tar over the rocks with a bucket now spread out gravel over the hot tar (seriously there is no need for gloves get over it). Oh and don’t pay these Women just give them the food they need and give them a tiny bamboo hut with no floor on the road side to live in while they work. In case you were wondering these Women are not criminals.

The answer of course in 2005/06 in any country with any moral fiber the answer has to be (A), not in Myanmar, oh no, answer (B) is much more practical.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. That is what Myanmar(Militry Junta) have chosen. Not that the women had the choice. And not what the others like to see so expect them. And you are just wise. I love you. You gave the right witness. Byt the way, I am a Burmese. Thank you. You are just very kind.

8:32 PM  

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