Saturday, December 30, 2006

Lets call this trip 3, post 1

Well it is saturday morning on the eve of new years eve. I have the day off work and it is my last one till we go. I am starting to feel the 'I think we are really going away' excited tingly feeling. We have our packs out and a few things scattered around waiting to go inside them. I think we have everything we need. We have tickets booked, insurance paid, packs, cameras, a vague itinerary, we have even got a hotel boked for when we land. I feel like we are cheating booking ahead but hey 10pm in a town you have never been to after traveling for 18 hours on no sleep I will be happy to have booked.

To be honest I should be cleaning right now that why I am writing. I guess I will write again in a week and a bit when I have my first story to tell you.

As before I would love to get comments on my stories. I can see people have visited but it is great to know who you are and what you think.



Thursday, December 28, 2006


Wow nearly a year since I last posted, I must have been busy with something mundane. Katie and I are about to embark on yet another trip to our second home, Thailand. But before I start posting about our travels I have to give a short run down on a short but interesting trip we took a month back.

So back to the beginning... A few months ago Katie spotted a flyer at uni telling of an ecology trip run through Adelaide uni looking at plants. Of course this was too good to be true for Katie and I was wondering how I was going to get out of it (just kidding). So after a few emails we had volunteered to go and count salt bush.

So just after our end of year exams we headed off with a bunch of new friends to a station called Koonamore which is well, in the middle of nowhere. About an hour away from Yunta which is a couple of hours from Burra which is a few hours from Adelaide. We arrive in the afternoon unpacked had a cup of tea and after a short briefing we were put to work. I put my hand up to stay in the house to help clean up and organise dinner while others went out rabbiting and quadratting.

So to keep a long story short It was hot (45.2°C if I remember correctly) and dry. I probably walked about 20 km in the week, in the sun, but it was still fun for some reason that can’t explain.

So to the highlights…

The stars
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The food
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The Tea
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The pineapple (Oh I mean Lim)
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The Measuring
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The lake (who put that lake there anyway)
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The scenery
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The wildlife (when we saw some)
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The hats and fly nets
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The house
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The people ; )
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I Hope those of you we travelled with a having a great summer (of course I hope everyone is having a great summer)

Happy New Year.

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